Peace Rocks for Ukraine

by Gina Daggett

Like so many people, I feel helpless and desperate watching what is unfolding in Ukraine. I am angry, I am horrified and I am frightened for not only the battered Ukrainian people, but also for the world.

In an effort to channel some positive energy and peace vibes, we painted a collection of peace rocks to lay around our favorite forest area near our home. It's a small trail along a creek, where the local kids leave painted rocks and fairy doors. We've dubbed it "Fairyland" and even created a sign recently to post on the tree at its entrance.

Maybe it's something you can do in your community, too? Paint rocks for peace and place them in special places nears your home? The world needs all the help it can get right now.


Gina Daggett

+1(778) 998-2357

